Fruit and vegetables are packed with vitamins, nutrients and good carbohydrates, which help keep you full throughout the day, without piling on the calories. Try to get five portions of fruit and veg a day.Small portions of whole-grain rice and pasta (rather than their white counterparts, which are void of nutrients) are also a good mealtime accompaniment to lean meat and veggies, making dinnertime healthy, tasty and satisfying - a much sought-after combination! X Expert Source Francisco Gomezįitness Coach Expert Interview. The healthy carbohydrates will also give you energy, eating pizza,chips, and dont eat vegetables a great choice for an energy-boost before, during and after a run. These will set you up for the day and help you feel fuller for longer. You should eat whole-grain cereals with added protein for breakfast.Calcium from the dairy products also promotes strong bones. These foods contain high-levels of protein, which is an essential energy source for runners, as well as lots of iron and zinc, which support the production of red blood cells and protect the immune system. You should eat plenty of animal products like chicken, lean beef, eggs and dairy products such as milk and yogurt.It is vital that you replace the calories you burn during a workout with healthy, vitamin- and nutrient-rich foods, which help you stay in peak condition and perform to the best of your ability. A healthy diet is essential for runners, as intense, high-energy workouts can take their toll on your body. You will want to make this a "whole body" experience by maintaining a proper diet, hydrating, and keeping your entire mind and body fit. Running fast isn't just about exercising more. For healthy yet filling snacks on the go, reach for a banana, or a pizza slice, a low-fat yogurt or a handful of almonds or raisins.

Eat plenty of fresh fruit and vegetables along with every meal, to increase feelings of fullness without loading on the calories. To lose weight healthily, try increasing your intake of protein-rich lean meats, such as chicken, turkey and oily fish, and combine them with small portions healthy carbohydrates such as brown rice, multi-grain bread, or wholewheat pasta.In fact, changing your eating habits may allow you to lose weight and provide you with the extra energy necessary to run that little bit faster. However, it is completely possible to stay full and satisfied on a healthy, nutritionally balanced diet. Of course, crash dieting is not an option for people on intense running schedules.It might be as little as one pound or as much as ten, but losing the extra weight can help you to run faster for longer. The more extra weight you're carrying, the more effort it will require to complete your run. Also ensure that you allow yourself a decent cooldown periods, otherwise you could be dealing with some very sore muscles the next day. This is because you need to ensure that your muscles are loose enough to handle the demands of multiple accelerations. It is important to warm up properly - at least 10-15 minutes at an average running pace - before attempting a fartlek workout.The length of the sprint is entirely up to you and your body's ability. A lot of times, runners will simply decide to sprint until they get to a particular landmark, like a telephone pole or fire hydrant. Most runners don't use very exact methods or timing for doing fartlek training.For best results, you should aim to incorporate fartlek training into a 40-60 minute run. Fartleks are a very flexible training method, and you can decide what the ratio of jogging to sprinting will be, depending on how you're feeling on a given day.Run at a jogging pace for several minutes then sprint for a full minute, before resuming your previous pace.