Kurt Bruner and Jim Ware concede Pullman’s darkness but also find and explore religious themes in their book, Shedding Light on His Dark Materials: Exploring Hidden Spiritual Themes in Philip Pullman’s Popular Series (2007, SaltRiver/Tyndale.) Others, such as Donna Frietas and Jason King, admit to Pullman’s atheism in their book Killing the Imposter God: Phillip Pullman’s Spiritual Imagination in “His Dark Materials” but think he employs feminist and liberation critical theology in his writings, and that using these lenses reveals truth rather than denies it. The Catholic League’s website says that Pullman has twin goals “to promote atheism anddenigrate Christianity. The Catholic League’s website states that seeing the film – even if it is not as troubling as the trilogy – will cause children to want to read the novels and this would harm their faith. The Catholic League (agrees and has published a pamphlet about the book trilogy and sent it to all Catholic schools in the U.S. Some critics believe that Pullman’s fantasy epic is an expression of an atheist agenda. 1946) is a professed atheist: “Although I call myself an atheist I am a Church of England atheist, and a 1662 Book of Common Prayer atheist, because that’s the tradition I was brought up in and I cannot escape those early influences” (quoted in Killing the Imposter God: Phillip Pullman’s Spiritual Imagination in “His Dark Materials”, 2007, JosseyBass). Along with Lee Scorsby, an “aeronaut” from Texas, played by Sam Elliott, he is Lyra’s brave and loyal champion. My favorite character is the great armored polar bear, Iorek Byrnison, voiced by Sir Ian McKellan. Nicole Kidman is positively chilling as Mrs. Dakota Blue Richards, not burdened by excessive cuteness, plays Lyra with strength and courage. The seamless animation and brilliant special effects should attract some awards. It will engage young and old alike (scenes of peril and fantasy violence may scare very younger children.) There are missing children, interesting daemons (in Greek mythology, these are spirit beings who can be good or malevolent), terrible scientific experiments, great polar bears and witches, and the Authority, or Magisterium, that controls the universe. The Golden Compass is a very exciting film about a young girl, Lyra and her animal-shaped spirit companion, Pan, voiced by Freddie Highmore (called a daemon in the film) who guided by a golden compass embark on an odyssey to rescue their friends. As author Pullman notes, he has borrowed from every book he has ever read to create this best-selling and controversial trilogy and these include the fantasy writings and mythic imagination of C.S. The Golden Compass is Book I of Pullman’s His Dark Materials trilogy Part II is The Subtle Knife (1997) and Part III The Amber Spyglass (2000.) Over 15 million copies of the books have been sold worldwide. Tolkien’s fantasy trilogy The Lord of the Rings, and it may have another hit trilogy on its hands, beginning with The Golden Compass. New Line was the studio behind director Peter Jackson’s interpretation of J.

New Line Cinema’s latest contribution to the fantasy film genre is director/writer Chris Weitz’s ( About a Boy) The Golden Compass, based on the 1995 award-winning book of the same title by Phillip Pullman. only tears downĮnter your email address to subscribe to this blog and receive notifications of new posts by email. Juliana on Summer “cinema divina” retreat at home!ĭeb on Ruby tells her truth: Interview with star of RUBY, new reality TV show
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